Vital posture – Be like Fire


systematm vital posture like fire

We should be relaxed, but not soft. The soft body is attracted just by the earth, however, we are made up also from fire; and fire flows to the sky. So, a vital are pulled by gravitational force down & by fire upwards. The fire also automatically brings you to a balanced position, so if somebody pushes you, you flow immediately back like a fire. … Read More

The kinetic energy in the human body


I still remember how my grandma uses to push me in the swing. She used to swing me for hours… She was tireless, now I understand why: because she had a feeling for when to push me at the right moment – in harmony with kinetic energy – efficiently – with a tiny amount of energy… Her touch was so soft.. … Read More

Why do we train outdoors?


Vitalizing activity as Chi Kung, Tai Chi or Systema should be trained outdoors. Trying to increase vital energy (often called chi, ki prana, or živa) indoors is like having a shower under an umbrella, or installing solar panels in the house instead of on the roof. ? A roof protects us not just from rain and wind, but also from vital energy. … Read More

Anatomy trains in motion

Niloy RudraUncategorized

Exploration of our movements brought me a few years ago to a Tom Myers book: Anatomy Trains. This book massively changed my perception of our movements. It helped me to see the whole human body much more holistically. Instead of separated muscles, I see the united body, with a myofascial networkacross the whole of it. The new perception of the body helped me to better understand … Read More

The Flow of Balance in a Fight


The Flow of Balance in a Fight In the previous blog titled: ‘Flow of Balance’ I explained how we flow against gravity and how we can synchronise with others.Now the question is: how can this be used in a real fight? The answer: two waves can combine to create either constructive (in phase) or destructive force (out of phase). If … Read More

(Slovak) Online Systema – Tekutá sila


Piatok – nie len pre zdravie19.00 – 20.15 Cieľom piatkových cvičení je:1. Pochopením a precítením vylepšiť2. efektívnosť pohybu (sila, rýchlosť, precíznosť).3. Zlepšiť pohyb mimo komfortnej zóny.4. Roztiahnuť sa a expandovať.5. Premývať sa liečiť sa tokom síl. Registruj sa: Po registrácii obdržíš email s prihlasovacími informáciami. Cena za hodinu je 5 EUR (ak si nemôžeš dovoliť, kontaktuj Tibiho, nájdeme riešenie)PayPal: Bankový … Read More