Sunday Family self-defence

Southborough – Tunbridge Wells

Outdoor 10.30 am at the park with big trees behind Tesco.

Come to play together with your kids to learn how to make and keep your bodies fit. Today is also useful to know how to protect yourself and your family.

You have to book your family because the time could change.
Tibi 07788538272

The synergy of Martial Arts
Systema combine with Wing Chun, Escrima, Karate etc.

Tibi Moravcik

Instructor of Russian Systema
Sifu of Wing Chun Kung Fu
Karate Champion of Slovakia, 2002
Kick Boxing Champion of Slovakia, 2000
Professional Masseur Therapist
Doorman with 14 years practice
Founder of  MoveArt CRB checked First Aider

Thursday kids class

Monday adults class